
How to install WordPress themes using FTP?

July 23, 2020

WordPress themes play a critical role in your site. They create the look and feel of your entire site in just a few clicks, with no coding required.


If you have a WordPress theme on your local computer, it’s possible to install it using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). By using this method there is a risk of deleting or modifying files, which could bring your site offline. For this reason, we advise that only advanced users install themes this way. To use the FTP to add new themes manually, follow these steps.


To begin, you must have an FTP hostname, username and password, and an FTP client. We’ve used FTP client Filezilla to show the steps in this tutorial.


  1. Launch Filezilla, enter your login details and click Quickconnect.
  2. The following window contains Remote Site and a root directory (the root directory is your site’s name). Select /rootdirectory/web/content/wp-content/themes.
  3. In the Local Site window, select the folder containing your saved theme, right click for more options and hit Upload.
  4. You’ve now successfully uploaded your theme to WordPress. To finalize, log in to your control panel, head to Appearance > Themes and hover your mouse over the new theme. Now click Activate.
  5. You’ve now successfully uploaded your theme to WordPress. To finalize, login to your control panel, head to Appearance > Themes and hover your mouse over the new theme. Now click Activate.
  6. All that’s left is to check out your new theme and see how you like your new site design.


You’ve now successfully installed your WordPress theme via FTP!

Also could be very important for you to check : How to Install Google Analytics in my Blog?


As always, we’re here to answer any questions you may have. It’s important to know that sometimes this process doesn’t go smoothly, even for the professionals! So, don’t get discouraged. Just let us know in the comments anything that you need. Remember that we have support 24/7 for you on our Website. Also you can check more information on our Youtube channel. 

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